Park Briefs

Read the latest news from around the zip line and adventure park industry. New park openings, incidents, supplier news, standards updates and more. Please email Karolyn Towle at [email protected] if you would like to submit information for a Park Brief.

April, 2020
Technology in Times of Trouble

As we tackle the most immediate needs of keeping employees safe and dealing with the uncertainties of what this spring and summer will look like, company websites are an essential means of communicating.

March, 2020
ACCT Looks to Help Mitigate COVID-19 Impacts

API Magazine—March 26, 2020, Boulder, Colo.—ACCT is taking measures and compiling resources to help members manage the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on the challenge course industry. In recognition…

Colorado OPS Extends Inspection Deadlines

The Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) – Amusement Rides and Devices is providing regulated owners and operators with a 30-day extension on all third-party certificates of inspection…

ACCT Creates COVID-19 Resources Page

The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) has developed a page on its website that includes helpful resources for industry operators regarding COVID-19. This page includes guidance from ACCT, information…

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