ACCT Looks to Help Mitigate COVID-19 Impacts


API Magazine—March 26, 2020, Boulder, Colo.—ACCT is taking measures and compiling resources to help members manage the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on the challenge course industry.

In recognition of the loss of revenue members will likely experience, ACCT has extended membership for three months for all current members. The extension is automatic and includes all membership types.

ACCT has also created a new page on its website with specific Coronavirus resources for its members. The page includes guidance on operating during the outbreak, links to regulatory notices, information on small business assistance and disaster loans, and info on ACCT’s forthcoming health insurance option. The website has also been updated with a new forum where members can share best practices and ideas related to COVID-19 impacts.

ACCT is providing members with advice regarding disruptions to the government inspection schedule, including suggestions on working with regulatory agencies and third-party inspectors and pointers on performing rigorous in-house inspections. The organization is also encouraging operators to reach out to their insurance carriers for potential savings related to anticipated changes in business levels and thus exposure to risk.

Before the outbreak, ACCT was already working on a new health insurance option for eligible member organizations to help them provide coverage for employees. That group health insurance plan is expected to launch next week, and may offer lower premiums for operators, says ACCT executive director Shawn Tierney.

Federal relief may also be on the horizon with the upcoming Corona Stimulus Package. When the bill, which has already unanimously passed the Senate, likely passes in the House on Friday, ACCT plans to provide an update regarding options available to members.

There was an IAAPA call to action to provide specific attractions industry provisions in the Corona legislation, but it appears no real tourism industry carveouts were included in the bill beyond $32 billion in grants for airlines. That said, another stimulus package that will further extend relief measures is likely to come before the House after the Congressional recess ends in April, and may provide more targeted relief for businesses in the challenge course industry and related sectors.


About Author

Katie Brinton is a PSIA-E Development Team member and a staff trainer at Okemo Mountain Resort, Vt., where she grew up. She was named to the 2017 “10 Under 30” class for Adventure Park Insider's sister publication SAM (Ski Area Management). She is a freelance writer, and has written frequently for Adventure Park Insider and sister publication, SAM. Katie is currently a Master’s student at Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English.