Black Diamond Equipment Recall


Products included in recall for inspection.Black Diamond Equipment, Ltd., in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has voluntarily issued a recall, subject to user inspection, of the following devices.

Camalot and Camalot Ultralight spring-loaded camming devices. Some units may have been improperly assembled and may fail during use. In a very small percentage, the axles connecting the cam lobes to the stem may not be properly riveted, compromising the strength of the device.

Index Ascender rope climbing devices. In some devices the rivet attaching the toothed cam to the ascender body may not be properly finished. This could cause the cam to detach, allowing the ascender to disconnect from the rope. Also, the rivet attaching the plastic safety catch to the cam may not be properly finished, increasing the likelihood of the ascender detaching from the rope.

Easy Rider and Iron Cruiser Via Ferrata Lanyard sets due to a possible defect in the stitching that could cause the lanyard to fail. In a small number of lanyards, the security stitching—the three orange bar tacks that attach the caribiners to the lanyards—may not be present, resulting in immediate failure of the lanyard under body weight.

If you own any of the above equipment, Black Diamond has requested that you stop use immediately and follow the recall inspection procedures. If they fail inspection, Black Diamond will replace the device(s) in question free of charge.

It is important to note that no accidents have been reported as a result of the manufacturing defects. More information is available on each of the recalls, along with inspection procedures, by visiting the Black Diamond website.


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.