A Bad Situation Turned Good


Sometime between April 13 and 14, Treetop Flyers in British Columbia was broken into and key pieces of equipment were stolen, including several pieces of rescue equipment and a zipSTOP braking device. 

“Anyone who has ever experienced a break-in knows the ‘kicked in the guts’ feeling when you take stock of what’s been stolen,” owner Ron Betts told Adventure Park Insider. “Imagine that feeling one-hundred-times over when we realized that, in addition to most of our line rescue and first aid gear, the thieves had also taken our zipSTOP braking device. For us it was a devastating blow and, combined with the uncertainty of operating in a time of COVID-19, meant our season was in jeopardy.”

Head Rush Technologies vice president of marketing Chris Koske reached out to Betts with the offer to replace the stolen zipSTOP free of charge. “We saw the article about the theft come across our desks and it was pretty sad, especially with the budget situation so many zip lines are in right now. It was really cool to be able to help,” said Koske.

“That kind of unsolicited generosity is one of the best feelings, whether you’re on the giving end or the receiving end. We are incredibly grateful to Head Rush for their desire to bring some good news to what could have easily been a very bad situation,” says Betts.

Do you have news of social good in this time of crisis? Send it to [email protected]


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.

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