Hilo Challenge Dome Opens in Derby, Kan.


Hilo Challenge Domes has unveiled its first installation in the United States at the Field Station: Dinosaurs theme park in Derby, Kan. The installation opened to the public on May 25, 2018.

Hilo Challenge Dome

The Hilo Challenge Dome at Field Station: Dinosaurs while under construction earlier this year.

The enclosed geodesic dome integrates aerial features throughout the structure. Hilo Challenge Domes partnered with Keith Jacobs of Experiential Systems to manufacture the aerial features, provide operator training, and complete the inaugural inspection.

The features are suspended throughout the structure, offering multiple levels of challenges ranging from 35 inches to 22 feet off the ground. Participants are connected via smart belay system, allowing them to self-guide through the course under the supervision of operators.

In addition to Experiential Systems, Hilo Challenge Domes partnered with Jared Krupa of K2 Engineering and Milton Manufacturing of Detroit, Mich., who provided the manufacturing services for the steel sub-structure. “We have brought together the best in the industry to complete this project and make a great U.S. debut of the Hilo Challenge Dome at Field Station: Dinosaur,” said Kim Toogood, president of Hilo Challenge Domes.

The aerial attraction adds an all-weather option for families with kids as young as two years old to its existing 14-acre park, which features more than 30 life-size animatronic dinosaurs spread throughout the property. The park also offers mini-golf, a paleontologist’s lab, 3D movie theater, live amphitheater shows, fossil digs, and more.


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.

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