COVID-19 Strategy Outline for Climbing Gyms


Vertical Life, a European software solutions company for the climbing industry, has developed a strategy outline for COVID-19 risk mitigation in climbing gyms.

We share this as another resource to help operators think about staff and procedural modifications. As operators consider reopening, they need to shift their thinking about how operations will run. In this effort, it can often be helpful to look to other industries and organizations to see how they are adjusting operations for reopening, when they are able to do so.

As with the Italian “COVID-19 Recommendations” document, it is important to note that this document comes from Europe, and some of the names of safety equipment may be unfamiliar.

Read the entire document here.


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.