Planning to Reopen? Consider This Italian Thinking


As many resorts and adventure parks anticipate the time when they can safely open in some capacity this summer, as stay-at-home restrictions are eased, it’s useful to learn how businesses in other countries are preparing to do the same. Case in point: the National Italian Adventure Park organization has created a list of Covid-19 Recommendations” that can inform North American firms. 

Note that Italy’s parks are not yet able to open for operation due to the COVID-19 restrictions. But their hope, as is the case elsewhere, is that the restrictions will ease enough to allow for business to reopen on some level this season.

We share this with you as another resource to help you think about staff and procedural modifications you will need to consider. As we have come to accept, operating alongside COVID-19 will necessitate modifications, some of which will require an investment of time and money, and all of which mandate a shift in thinking about how operations will run.

Note, too, that since this document comes from Europe, some of the names of safety equipment, in particular the types of masks, may be less familiar. Also, please note that none of the steam sanitation methods mentioned have been tested or approved by any official body in Europe or in the United States. However, they were developed in collaboration with the main PPE manufacturers, taking into account the most current methods used in healthcare and scientific literature.

There is another method of sanitation that involves placing all PPE into a container and throwing a sanitation canister into it before closing the doors. These canisters are the same ones used when large areas like streets are treated for the virus through a commercial spray system. Again, this is an untested method. We will follow the use and utility of this technology and report back.


About Author

Olivia Rowan, Publisher — [email protected]
Dave Meeker, Editor — [email protected]
Katie Brinton, Senior Editor — [email protected]