Global Dream Jump Goes Down in Dubai


Honey, did you just see a man in spandex zip by our picture window?

dream-jump-2That was one of the reactions among residents of Dubai’s Princess Tower, as not everyone got the heads-up about the global Dream Jump, an event that invited professional athletes to zip line, freefall, and perform stunts from the top of the world’s second highest residential structure.

Sponsored by Skydive Dubai, the April 13 -19 event featured more than 10 kilometers of multiple zip lines. These “Dream Jumps” are gaining popularity around the globe and are marketed as “bungee jumps without a recoil.”

dream-jump-1About 40 select invitees got to experience the playground of zip lines and hanging ropes suspended about 1,300 feet above sea level over the Dubai Marina skyline. The longest free-fall started from the 99th floor and was more than 10 seconds long.

“A Dream Jump involves jumpers leaping off of tall structures while connected to a patented system of dynamic ropes, the end result is a long and safe freefall from any land mass or tower,” said Zarir Saifuddin, partner at Never Before Events and the regional distributor for the Dream Jump system.

Thomas Zielinski, founder of the Dream Jump, said a patented braking system allows jumpers to land as if a parachute had been deployed, without experiencing the recoil as in bungee jumping.


About Author

Troy Hawks contributes to Adventure Park Insider, Ski Area Management, and a variety of other publications and websites. He has held editorial positions at business magazines serving outdoor sports and recreation as well as manufacturing and textiles. Most recently he was communications manager for the National Ski Areas Association and editor of the NSAA Journal. He also serves as a communications consultant for several clients. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, he now lives in Denver, Colo.

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