ASTM Adventure Park Committee Seeks Operator Input


The ASTM F24.61 subcommittee on Adventure Attractions and its F2959 task group are balloting a series of revisions to the ASTM F2959-14 Aerial Adventure standard. And there are just 10 days left to get involved.

The revisions are aimed at making F2959-14, which tailors the broader ASTM F24 amusement park standards to commercial aerial parks, even more aerial-park specific. The F24 standards have been adopted in whole or part by 26 states, so the revised standard will have broad impact.

F2959-14 covers all aspects of adventure park design, construction, maintenance, inspection, and operations. At present, F2959-14 references several other ASTM standards; the current round of revisions includes an effort to incorporate all these into one unified document. That should make F2959-14 easier to use.

Two key sections—auditing (inspections) and operations—are among the three sections being balloted currently. Of particular interest to operators: the current round of revisions spells out maintenance responsibilities in more detail than other (ANSI or ACCT) standards, according to one ASTM member.

The revisions are open for voting and comment until Jan. 22. The F24.61 committee will take up any comments at the F24 February meeting in New Orleans Feb. 10-13. An informal meeting regarding the ASTM standard will also take place at the annual conference of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) in Lost Pines, Texas, Jan. 30, 1-4 p.m.

In addition, a revision to the design portion of the standard is expected to be ready for balloting in the next six months or so, as part of the next cycle in the revision process.

Jared Krupa, who chairs the F2959 Aerial Adventure group, encourages all interested operators, designers and builders to get involved in the process. “It’s important for experts to be involved and help make sure we don’t create problems in the standard,” he told Adventure Park Insider.

Krupa acknowledges that the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) has significant representation on the ASTM committees, including F2959, already. But more operator involvement can’t hurt.

To get involved, join ASTM ($75) and sign up for the F24.61 Adventure Attractions and F2959 Aerial Adventure committees at, or click this link.

Editor’s Note: F24 is the ASTM committee that covers all types of amusement parks. F24.61 is a subcommittee that covers adventure attractions. Within F24.61 is a task group, F2959, which deals with aerial adventures.


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.