ACCT Releases Guidance for Operators on COVID-19


The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) has released guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the situation continues to rapidly evolve, ACCT leadership offered the following suggestions for operators to consider when determining how best to manage their programs in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic:

1) Be as flexible as possible with pre-booked business. As airlines waive change fees and hotels become increasingly flexible with cancellations, it is a good idea to manage customer relations with an eye toward your reputation following the crisis.

2) COVID-19 is apparently spread primarily by close contact, so this may necessitate modifying or eliminating activities that involve close contact.

3) Sanitize and disinfect all loaned or rented equipment—such as helmets and harnesses—after each use and before returning to inventory. Check with the equipment manufacturer or distributor for cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

4) Be as diligent as possible with cleaning and sanitizing in areas including, but not limited to, restroom facilities, F&B operations, welcome centers/ticketing plazas, retail spaces, etc. Disinfect fixed apparatuses, such as handholds on high elements, regularly.

5) Make hand sanitizer easily accessible throughout your facility for both guests and staff.

6) Educate your staff. Keep them advised as to what’s going on and what you’re doing about it. Guide them toward proper hygiene to protect themselves and your clientele. Let staff know that if they or a family member become ill or are in contact with someone who is ill, the best course of action is to self-quarantine.

7) Communicate with your guests and clients and let them know what you’re doing to minimize their risk while on property.

8) Keep abreast of developments. The Centers for Disease Control is doing a good job of keeping the public informed about general information. You can find the latest information regarding the outbreak at

9) Stay on top of developments in your state and town (or, if you’re outside of the United States, your nation and region). Most, if not all, are posting advisories on their own health or disease control department websites. Local conditions may be relevant to your operations.

For more information on COVID-19, read “How Aerial Adventure Operators Can Adapt to COVID-19”.



About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.

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