ACCT Is Restructuring


The Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) is undergoing a major restructuring as it aims to focus more on government relations and regulatory issues. Association for Challenge Course Technology

As a result of the new structure, ACCT is eliminating the operations department and the positions currently held by Bill Weaver and Joyce Weaver. “On behalf of the ACCT community, I would like to publicly thank Bill and Joyce for their years of dedicated service,” said ACCT executive director Shawn Tierney. “Their contributions have been immense and greatly appreciated by the association.”

ACCT will be shifting its focus to strategic development and government relations with the addition of two new roles, program manager and policy director. The program manager will be accountable for all ACCT credentialing programs, including vendor accreditation, and inspector certification. The policy director will be accountable for government relations and will have an immediate charge of establishing relationships with regulatory entities across all jurisdictions represented by the association’s international membership.

“Our overall goal in making this change is to centralize staffing in Colorado, while at the same time addressing a critical need for the association,” said Tierney. “Having a full-time staff position dedicated to government relations is overdue at ACCT. With the addition of this position, we’re looking forward to taking a more pro-active stance in addressing regulatory issues on behalf of our members. Having a much greater level of involvement in this area is a substantial benefit for our members and for the entire challenge course, aerial adventure park, and zip line industry.”

ACCT has been developing new credentialing programs for its membership, including a beta test of a Program Accreditation designed to recognize programs that meet procedural and operational standards set by ACCT. The 10-step process generally mirrors the process used to certify the Professional Vendor Member (PVM) program. The program manager will be responsible for both of these credentialing initiatives.

ACCT has begun its search for the new program manager and policy director positions. For more information visit or contact executive director, Shawn Tierney, at [email protected].


About Author

Sarah Borodaeff is the former research editor for Adventure Park Insider magazine and current freelance contributor. A professional ski bum and former zip guide, Sarah enjoys any excuse to talk about outdoor adventures.

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