TES Inc., a Petzl technical partner and ACCT vendor, will be hosting a PPE inspection and management course for adventure park professionals. Upon passing the examination, each participant will receive a written certificate from Petzl stating his or her competency in inspection and management of PPE.
Content will include:
- risk assessment and associated decision making
- potential hazards associated with the use of PPE for protection against falls from height
- legislation and current requirements regarding the management of PPE
- definition of “competent person”
- general principles and uses of PPE
- employer and PPE inspector responsibilities
- understanding a technical notice
- principal actions of the examiner: maintenance, returns under warranty, removal of products from service, etc.
- principal corrective actions: information to provide for the users and/or their management system
- necessary tools and work environment to efficiently perform PPE examination
- presentation of Petzl Technical Institute PPE examination protocol
- pre-use checks, special inspections, thorough examinations, signs and symptoms, significance of any defects, criteria for removal from service
- identify defects and damage that would result in the item being removed from service
- inspection reporting
The course will run April 4-6, 2016 at the TES training facility in Knoxville, Tenn. For more information on this course and others, visit towergear.com. To register visit: http://www.towergear.com/shop/petzl-ppe-selection-inspection-management/