New Zip Coaster Opens in Costa Rica


On Costa Verde’s novel zip coaster, riders can choose to ride either a sort of motorized bike (above) or in a more traditional harness on the same line.

Construction is complete on a new zip coaster in Costa Rica, and operators are awaiting final government business permits to open. Unlike many other aerial attractions in the Central American country, which can require a trek into the jungle, the coaster is easily accessible: it’s located on the Costa Verde Hotel property, near the village of Quepos, and overlooking Manuel Antonio National Park. The attraction can be reached via the popular tourist area’s main road. “There is nothing like it in Costa Rica or anywhere in Central America,” says hotel (and zip coaster) owner Allen Templeton. That’s in keeping with the hotel itself, which boasts the unique El Avión restaurant and bar (housed in a 1950s-era C-123 Fairchild military transport airplane) among other luxuries. The new zip coaster’s roughly 1.5-minute ride will be $10 a go.


About Author

Troy Hawks contributes to Adventure Park Insider, Ski Area Management, and a variety of other publications and websites. He has held editorial positions at business magazines serving outdoor sports and recreation as well as manufacturing and textiles. Most recently he was communications manager for the National Ski Areas Association and editor of the NSAA Journal. He also serves as a communications consultant for several clients. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, he now lives in Denver, Colo.