IAAPA Issues Re-Opening Guidelines


The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) has released “COVID-19 Reopening Guidance,” a 36-page “first edition” guide on reopening for the global attractions industry amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The principles and considerations in the guide “were compiled from attractions operators around the world in consultation with an epidemiologist,” IAAPA said, and are intended to help park operators develop a plan that will work best for the specific circumstances of any operation. It may be necessary for individual operators to adjust their approach to address cultural concerns or government guidance, or to take additional measures to gain consumer confidence, the organization added.

Further, these guidelines may be adjusted and relaxed as the pandemic eventually eases, “preferably in consultation with local health authorities,” IAAPA noted. These considerations may also change as best practices, government guidelines, and guidance from medical professionals evolves. Parks that open later in the progression of COVID-19 may be able to do so with fewer adjustments and accommodations in place, IAAPA added.

IAAPA will periodically update this document with additional information as it becomes available.

Among the topline considerations for attractions reopening to the public:

  • Allow healthy people to enjoy the facility, and encourage the use of masks/face coverings for guests and staff.
  • Provide a means to wash/sanitize hands frequently.
  • Manage density within the facility to keep people or family units that have been isolating together 6 feet (2 meters) apart from other groups or individuals.
  • Reduce touch areas where possible, and sanitize often-touched surfaces frequently.
  • Protect employees with various approaches, including barriers, protective coverings, and distancing.
  • Communicate with employees and guests effectively on how to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Have a plan in the event a guest or employee falls ill on site.

These considerations, and others, are outlined in the full document which can be read here.


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