Woman Dies After Falling from Harness at Italian Zip Line


Adventure Park Insider Magazine—Albaredo per San Marco, Italy, May 13, 2024—An investigation is ongoing into how a 41-year-old Italian woman slipped from her harness and fell 60 feet to her death toward the end of a high-speed zip line in Italy last week.

Ghizlane Moutahir was visiting the Fly Emotion adventure park with her family on May 5. According to reports, she was nearing the platform at the end of a mile-long zip line that crosses over a valley when she stopped short. She was in a prone (“Superman” style) harness, but witnesses reportedly said she was traveling in an upright position. She began to struggle after stopping on the line before falling from the harness.

Rescue teams responded and pronounced her dead at scene.

The zip line Moutahir was riding reaches speeds of 75 mph, according to reports. It is unclear why she stopped short, how she became upright in a prone-style harness, and ultimately how she fell from the apparatus.

Her nieces, who had already completed the ride, were filming Moutahir from the landing platform when the incident occurred. Authorities are using the videos they took in the investigation.

Fly Emotion has been closed since the incident occurred, and its website is currently a single page noting that all activities are temporarily suspended.

The attraction opened in 2011. According to Fly Emotion CEO Matteo Sanguineti, the zip line has served more than 200,000 people and has never had any accidents. Fly Emotion is fully cooperating with the investigation and is in close contact with the victim’s family, he said.


About Author

Dave Meeker is the senior editor for Adventure Park Insider. He has a background in marketing, public relations, and writing in the mountain resort industry. Before joining the team at API, Dave was the marketing director for Mount Snow in Vermont. What better way to try and conquer a slight fear of heights than to work at a magazine that covers adventure parks? He couldn't think of one.