The 7th Edition of the State of the Industry Report is available now! Details below.
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The 7th edition of the Adventure Park Insider State of the Industry Report is now available to subscribers and survey participants. There’s both good and bad news from this edition of the annual Adventure Park Insider State of the Industry Survey. First, the bad: Respondents saw a decrease in annual visitation compared to 2021, as visit numbers in general returned to pre-pandemic levels, closer to those reported in 2018 and 2019. The good: Total number of operating days, and the number of days with unscheduled closures, also returned to pre-pandemic levels.
The full report, complimentary to survey participants and Adventure Park Insider subscribers, includes greater detail on a wide variety of metrics to allow operators to compare their results to their peers. The report includes data regarding activities and amenities offered, major sources of revenue, detailed visitor trends, staffing and pay levels and related employee metrics, booking trends, marketing channels and their effectiveness, pricing strategies, and operators’ expectations and plans for 2023.
How do I get a copy of the report?
• Subscribe now to guarantee access to this valuable and actionable information and insight. This report and the previous years are complimentary for our subscribers.
• Already a subscriber? We’ve emailed you a copy! If you have not received your free copy, email [email protected].
• Did you participate in the survey? We’ve already got you on our list and will send you the report as a “thank you” for participating!
The complete report will allow you to…
– Compare your business to the overall industry
– Know key market drivers and marketing tactics
– Learn how to improve the customer experience
– Activities and amenities you can add to increase revenue
– Pre-and post loss trends.
We reveal a few of the report highlights here.
Questions? Email [email protected].