Barrow Receives ASTM Service Award


Jamie Barrow, director of operation training and risk management for summer operations across the Vail Resorts empire, was publicly recognized with the ASTM Service Award at the meeting of the ASTM Committee F24 on Amusement Rides and Devices, Oct. 15. The award cited Barrow for his role in working with the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) in the effort to harmonize the ANSI/ACCT challenge course and canopy/zip line tours standards and the ASTM F2959 aerial adventure course standards.

Barrow has been an active member of the ASTM F24 F2959 subcommittee as well as a long-time ACCT community member and former ACCT board member.

In accepting the award, Barrow recognized and thanked Scott Andrews, ACCT’s former policy director, for his work on the harmonization process, too.


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