Business Continuity: The Sale Must Go On


The COVID-19 situation has introduced myriad uncertainties to everyday life. However, one thing is for certain: it will pass, and life will go on. When it does pass, we need to be ready.

We all have to think about business continuity and about next season, which will happen. Yes, it is appropriate to continue marketing your business, with some careful thought to the right tone and message. The marketplace still has to function, maintenance still has to occur, and preparations for summer/fall business must continue, alongside a backup plan to expand and contract depending on how the pandemic unfolds.

The aerial adventure industry should be ready to provide the public with the best place to be following a period of isolation—the outdoors. Hiking, biking, ropes courses, zip lining, and fresh air will be very much desired by our customers. They may have some lingering hesitations, though, so be upfront with how you will address those.

Your marketing and messaging must be clear and appropriate. We asked a couple experts to weigh in on business continuity from a marketing perspective.

This article has been adapted from its original form, which appeared in Adventure Park Insider’s sister publication SAM (Ski Area Management).

Gregg Blanchard, Slopefillers

The last seven days have seen us go from business as usual to a state none of us could have dreamed of. We are all reeling from the shock of it. But as that shock begins to wear off, there appears to be a collective understanding emerging among customers that marketing is not something to get offended at, but an opportunity to support the businesses we care about through a tough time. Some Shopify stores, for example, are having record weeks—eclipsing even Cyber Monday. There’s a movement in which people are buying gift cards to restaurants that have closed.

You absolutely have to be thoughtful about the message, but I think marketers do have opportunities to start marketing sooner than later. Maybe the gift card movement is a place to start. Give customers something that’s not date-specific and doesn’t lose value, to remove the uncertainty around the COVID-19 timeline. Retail might be a way to engage loyal customers as well, if you have a bunch of hoodies or shirts laying around.

Be honest and upfront about your situation, and be gracious. Lay off the pushy stuff, and allow your audience to support you in a way that also gives them value. This isn’t business as usual, but you’re still a business. Get creative, be human, and I think you’ll find a few good marketing opportunities.

Most importantly, remember that every aerial adventure operation, ownership group, GM, and state is different. There is no right answer, and nobody is in a mindset to do their best work. In other words, be kind. It will all look different in hindsight.

Dave Amirault, Semi-Retired Marketing Exec

Right now, you should be taking a 30,000-foot view of all the marketing and promotional efforts you have out in the market, and evaluate if it should live or die. Don’t forget about your marketing automations and AdWords campaigns. If they’re promoting spring events and early-season promotions, you should pause those and consider a more relevant message, depending on the status of your operation.

There’s no need for you to be sending something like a booking anniversary, pre-arrival, or happy birthday email to your guests if you’re not operating and welcome centers are vacant.

Don’t worry about losing your customers, though. We’re all going to be yearning for our outdoor playgrounds after being cooped up in the house. The business will come back. And when it does, that’s when you can start to hit your audience back over the head with the marketing hammer.

These are uncharted waters for all of us, so don’t worry about making mistakes. I know the constant fear of pissing off the internet and becoming the next social lightning rod is terrifying, but as long as the decisions you make are rooted in compassion and empathy, you’ll weather the storm.


About Author

Olivia Rowan, Publisher — [email protected]
Dave Meeker, Editor — [email protected]
Katie Brinton, Senior Editor — [email protected]